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Ikariam Scripts

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Gcc ar 24 vinyl cutter floor stand sca software for mac. Script Summary:Enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam. Pirates of the caribbean 2 123movies. (mobile & desktop version)

Ikariam Scripts Contents Introduction Scripting is the ability to enhance the user experience, and Gameforge have a section in their Terms and Conditions relating to it. This article describes some of the scripts and extension that allows you to customize the way web-pages look and functions:., which is a extension, found at userscripts. I'm looking for bot 'scripts' for a special reason: to open Multiple Accounts and Active the VM (Vacation mode ) one by one. Can get the data from TXT file « Travian bot/script private server Ikariam 2018 Ultimate script-Play like an admin,0 ban threats ».

'Ikariam Enhanced UI' is a Greasemonkey script which brings some enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam. It is possible to run the script in both versions (mobile & desktop), but not all funtions can be used in both versions. The scripts functions are organized in modules so you are able to enable or disable a single funtion of the script.
The Script was tested on those browsers:
  • Firefox 20.0.1 with Greasemonkey 1.8
  • Chrome 26.0 with Tampermonkey 2.12
  • Opera 12.15 with Violent Monkey 1.2.93
Ikariam scripts 2020

Table of contents (German)

  • Features
  • Versions
  • Known bugs
  • Installation manual


  • Options(always activated, both versions)
    Depending on the game version either a new tab in the options panel is created (desktop) or a field is added to the game options tab (mobile). It contains the possibility to activate / deactivate single modules or change the other script settings. New modules are activated by default.
  • Multilingual(always activated, both versions)
    Depending on the game language the script language is adjusted. At this moment there are three languages (German, English and Latvian) supported. If your language is not supported you will see the English texts. To change this you may sent me the translation for your language.
  • Updater(deactivatable, both versions)
    The updater in Ikariam style has the possibility to be activated / deactivated. If it is activated you can set a interval between 1 hour and 4 weeks to search for updates. The default interval is 1 hour. If you do not want to install an update you can prohibit that the popup for this version shows up again.
    Also there is a link to search for updates manually. If you click on this link you will get a notice even if you hide this update before.
  • Show income on top(deactivatable, both versions)
    If this module is activated, the actual income is also shown on top of the bilance view. Also it shows the income per day.
  • Short income reduction table(deactivatable, both versions)
    You can choose if you would like to have a short income reduction table for better overview. The old tables are also shown, but folded. They have a button to expand them.
  • Show missing resources(deactivatable, just desktop)
    It is annoying to be forced to calculate everytime the missing resources for a building upgrade. With this feature, all missing resources will be shown directly in the upgrade or construction view. Also it is possible to show the remaining resources after the upgrade. This funtion can be switched on and off indipendently from the missing resources. Furthermore you can choose if the remaining resources should be shown in green or as normal text.
  • Actual income in town view(deactivatable, just desktop)
    Every time you wanted to know what your actual income is, you were forced to move over the resource symbol. For your wine consumption there was the need to check the tavern. Now you can see this information directly in town view. For better clearance it is possible to choose between three different styles. As bonus the daily income is also available in the production popup.
  • Filling level of warehouse(deactivatable, just desktop) NEW
    A bar showing the actual filling level of the warehouse graphically is added. So you can easily see if your warehouse gets full in the next time. Also it is possible to show the resources in the branch office in this bar.
    You can choose between three different bar styles.
  • Easy ressource links(deactivatable, just desktop) NEW
    For easy access to sawmill, vineyard, quarry, crystal mine, sulfur pit and town hall, the buildings of the actual selected town are linked to the number of resources.
  • Zooming function(deactivatable, just desktop)
    The zooming function uses the Ikariam zooming function to scale the town and city view, but also you can scale the world view. It is possible to zoom up to 150% and to let banners and symbols in normal size, if wanted. The smallest possible size is set in a way to be sure that the view is not smaller than the window. The zoom factor is stored in the browser so that you must not zoom on every login. It is possible to zoom in three ways. First you cn set the factor in the settings. Also the function adds buttons to the right upper corner to zoom easy in the view. Lastly the zooming per scrolling is activated. But now it is possible to set a key which must be pressed while scrolling to zoom. The default key ist Control (ctrl).
  • Message signature(deactivatable, just desktop)
    It is possible to add a global or a local signature automatically to each message. You can set the global signature once and overwrite it with local signatures if wanted.
  • Easy circular message(deactivatable, just desktop)
    On the top right corner, next to the zoom buttons there is another button. It is for sending a circular messge very easy.
  • Clickable links(deactivatable, just desktop)
    If you receive a message, links are not clickable. This feature recognizes such links, allows you to click them and - after asking you a security question - it opens the link in a new browser tab.
  • Show colonizing cities(deactivatable, just desktop)
    You are in a war and a new city is colonizing. No one nows who is coming. Now this is as easy as watching the information of another city - just one click and you have all information you need.
  • Alliance member highscore information(deactivatable, just desktop, default deactivated)
    You are the leader of an alliance and you want to know the amount of points your member gained in the last days? The you can activate this feature. It allows you to store the number of points and the highscore place of your members and to compare it in the future - for each highscore on each server.
  • Troop information(deactivatable, just desktop) NEW
    For a simplified sharing of the number of troops in a town, a list with htis information can be copied to use it in forums or personal messages. At the moment this feature is only available in the troop overview of own towns.
  • Show tooltips automatically(deactivatable, just desktop)
    The tooltips in military view and member view in embassy and diplomacy advisor are only shown if you click on them at the moment. This feature changes this setting to show them on mouseover.
  • Move loading circle(deactivatable, just desktop)
    Moves the loading circle from the middle of he page to the position bar (breadcrumb). Very handy if you have opened the chat.
  • Hide bird animation(deactivatable, just desktop)
    if the bird animation annoys you, it is possible to hide it without hiding other animations.
  • Don't center town information in town advisor.(deactivatable, just desktop)
    With version 0.5.0 of ikariam the css has been changed. Now the town information in the town advisor are centered vertically. This feature adds a little piece of css code to bind the town information on top as it was before.
  • Improved external alliance pages.(deactivatable, just desktop)
    On external alliance pages a padding is missing, so that text overlays the border. This feature adds the padding, so that the page is nicely formatted.

Ikariam Scripts For Chrome


  • Version 2.3 (10.00) - 12.04.2013
    • Feature: Formatting troop lists for posting in forums / personal messages. (desktop)
    • Feature: Filling level of warehouse as bar in town view. (desktop)
    • Feature: Link to mines / town hall when clicking on resources / citizens. (desktop)
    • Feature: New versioning system.
    • Bugfix: Some characters in links were not decoded correctly. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Watching a foreign city causes a abortion of the script. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: The city dropdown sometimes was zoomed in world view. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Removed obsolete CSS styles for Firefox.
    • Adjustments in the language files.
    • Violent Monkey brings Greasemonkey functions to Opera.

  • Version 2.2.1 (9.01) - 11.10.2012
    • Feature: Smaller icons in direct military tooltip. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Problems with update check and version numbers >= 10. (mobile & desktop)
    • Bugfix: Problems with another script. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Problems with a wrong style in island view. (desktop)

  • Version 2.2 (9.00) - 10.10.2012
    • Feature: Message signature can be set. (desktop)
    • Feature: Button for faster sending of circular messages. (desktop)
    • Feature: Make links in messages clickable. (desktop)
    • Feature: Information about cargo / fleets is displayed directly in military view. (desktop)
    • Feature: Script options: Sections on the script tab can be folded. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Tooltips with mouseover were not clickable anymore. (desktop)
    • Changes in code for better overview.

  • Version 2.1.1 (8.01) - 01.10.2012
    • Feature: Different styles for income in town view. (desktop)
    • Feature: Remaining resources after upgrade. (desktop)
    • Feature: Improved style for external alliance pages. (desktop)
    • Feature: Refresh the missing / remaining resources in construction view automatically. (desktop)

  • Version 2.1 (8.00) - 23.09.2012
    • Feature: Show the missing resources in construction view. (desktop)
    • Feature: Show the hourly income directly in town view and add the daily production as popup. (desktop)
    • Feature: Don't center town information in the town advisor. (desktop)
    • Feature: Save the highscore data of alliance members and compare it with the actual value. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: There was an error with a missing language package and seperators. (mobile & desktop)
    • Bugfix: Some things in worldview were not resized correctly. (desktop)
    • Prevent more than one script execution.
    • Prevent more than one script option panel (the script option panel now is usable for other scripts, too).

  • Version 2.0.1 (7.01) - 27.08.2012
    • Bugfix: Zooming was broken. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Dropdown menus created by the script were broken. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: Tooltips in in Alliance / Military view were not shown correctly. (desktop)

  • Version 2.0 (7.00) - 18.07.2012
    • Feature: Cross-browser compatibility. (Firefox, Chrome, Opera)
    • Feature: Latvian translation - thanks to Draxo. (mobile & desktop)
    • Feature: Possibility to hide the update hint for a new script version. (mobile & desktop)
    • Bugfix: Resizing the owner state in world view was broken. (desktop)
    • Some changes in the code for easier copying of functions which should be used by more than one script.

  • Version 1.7 (6.00) - 12.06.2012
    • Feature: Resizing banners when zooming is possible in city view, too. (desktop)
    • Feature: The zoom buttons are available in world view, too. (desktop)
    • Feature: Zooming with the mouse scroll is possible again (now with key, standard is ctrl). (desktop)
    • Feature: Changes in the option panel due to the new zooming function features. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: If resizing is enabled, zooming with the buttons will resize the banners, too. (desktop)
    • Bugfix: The chat will not cause to much executions of script functions. (desktop)
    • The language texts are integrated as resources, so that there is shorter code.
    • Replace the GM_* functions by myGM.* to expand them easy and add new.

  • Version 1.6 (5.00) - 05.06.2012
    • Feature: Possibility to hide only the bird swarm animation. (desktop)
    • Feature: Easier upkeep reduction table. (mobile & desktop)
    • Feature: Enhanced zoom function using the Ikariam zoom function. (desktop)
    • Due to the use of Ikariam functions the code could be reduced.
    • Code enhancements for shorter code.

  • Version (4.02) - 25.05.2012
    • Bugfix: Not all occurrences of hidden were changed.

  • Version 1.5.1 (4.01) - 24.05.2012
    • Bugfix: Name of a class (hidden) is used by GF.

  • Version 1.5 (4.00) - 24.05.2012
    • Feature: Options panel to enable/disable funtions and set settings. (mobile & desktop)
    • Feature: Update interval can be set. (mobile & desktop)
    • Feature: Manually check for updates. (mobile & desktop)
    • Feature: Zoom funtion without resizing the whole view. (desktop)
    • Feature: Move loading circle to another position. (desktop)
    • Feature: Show tooltip in Alliance / Military view on mouseover. (desktop)
    • Feature: Code better commented. More comments, so that it is easier to understand.
    • Version numbers adjusted.

  • Version 1.4.1 (3.01) - 01.05.2012
    • Feature: Support for mobile interface.
    • Bugfix: Fixed bug with scrollbar in finances view. (desktop)

  • Version 1.4 (3.00) - 20.04.2012
    • Feature: Ready for version 0.5.0, but also supports version 0.4.5 furthermore.
    • Feature: Implemented support for different languages.
    • Feature: Enhanced script updater.
    • Feature: Cleaned up code.
    • Feature: Rename the Script to 'Enhanced UI'.
    • Feature: Change the namespace to 'Tobbe'.
    • Because of the change of namespace and name you have to delete the old script manually!

  • Version 1.3.3 (2.05) - 11.04.2011
    • Bugfix: Problem with negative numbers and version fixed.

  • Version 1.3.2 (2.04) - 15.01.2011
    • Feature: Own script updater.
    • Bugfix: Remove everything what refered to other scripts.

  • Version 1.3.1 (2.03) - 15.01.2011
    • Feature: New script updater.

  • Version 1.3 (2.02) - 14.01.2011
    • Remove the script updater. (Because of the problem with Greasemonkey scripts.)

  • Version 1.2.1 (2.01) - 28.12.2010
    • Feature: New style of update panel.
    • Bugfix: Bug with ',' as seperator fixed.

  • Version 1.2 (2.00) - 09.10.2010
    • Feature: Income in 24h added.
    • Feature: Cleaned up code.

  • Version 1.1 (1.01) - 13.04.2010
    • Feature: Update check implemented.

  • Version 1.0 (1.00) - 13.04.2010
    • Initial release.

Ikariam Scripts Greasemonkey

Known Bugs

Ikariam Scripts Firefox

  • Opera & Chrome: Zooming with the mouse is only possible with 'Alt' or without any key. No fix possible as I know.
  • Opera: No updating of the missing resources is possible due to a missing modification listener.
  • Chrome: Some smaller graphical bugs caused by a second execution of Ikariam functions by the script.
  • All: The selected island is not centered in world view.
  • All: If you are zooming to more than 100%, the view is not centered correctly after a page reload.

Installation Manual

In Firefox

  1. Get Greasemonkey
    To use this script you must have Greasemonkey installed. To install Greasemonkey visit its Firefox Addon Page and klick install. After finishing the installation you must restart your browser.
  2. Install the script
    Now visit the page of the script on You can see an install button on the right upper corner. After hitting this button a popup is shown where you have to verify the installation. If you just can see the code of the script after hitting the install button, your Greasemonkey is turned off. So go to Extras -> Greasemonkey in your Firefoy and enable it.
  3. Use the script
    After installing the script visit the page it was made for. If Greasemonkey is enabled the script should be run automatically if you visit the page.

In Chrome

  1. Get Tampermonkey
    To use this script you must have Tampermonkey installed. To install Tampermonkey visit its Chrome Addon Page and klick install. After finishing the installation you must restart your browser.
  2. Install the script
    Now visit the page of the script on You can see an install button on the right upper corner. After hitting this button a popup is shown where you have to chose if the script should be installed in Tampermonkey or in Chrome natively. Choose Tampermonkey (OK). Now verify the installation. If no popup with the possibility for choosing Tampermonkey or Chrome is shown after hitting the install button, your Tampermonkey is turned off. So go to Tools -> Extensions in your Chrome and enable it.
  3. Use the script
    After installing the script visit the page it was made for. If Tampermonkey is enabled the script should be run automatically if you visit the page.

In Opera

  1. Get Violent Monkey
    To use this script you must have Violent Monkey installed. To install Violent Monkey visit its Opera Addon Page and klick install. After finishing the installation you must restart your browser.
  2. Install the script
    Now visit the page of the script on You can see an install button on the right upper corner. After hitting this button a popup is shown where you have to verify the installation.
  3. Use the script
    After installing the script visit the page it was made for. The script should be run automatically if you visit the page. If nothing happens your Violent monkey might be turned off. Klick on the Violent Monkey icon and ensure that the checkmark next to Scripts enabled is set.

Ikariam Scripts

With other browsers

If you have a manual how to install this script on other browsers, please inform me :)

Ikariam Scripts Chrome

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